Another stupid one here, that must be me! I have been taking 150 mgs/day of Imuran, initially with a high dose of Remicade, then Humira, for going on 4 years now. OF COURSE the cancer risk worries me, much more so now than it ever did before- as it's looking like these meds are the only things that make a dent in my UC symptoms. I have started to weigh the pros & cons of surgery vs. meds, & honestly, surgery is starting to look like a far better alternative. When I first started on these meds, I figured that I could only worry about
my life NOW, not what may happen down the road. Now, as I'm on that road with no sign of stopping, I'm beginning to realize that this is not perfect, that even with the meds my life NOW is not so great, UC-wise. But to question someone's decision to use these meds is a low-blow. Very low! I'm sure everyone taking them worries about
the cancer risk, & has thought about
it countless times. It's not a decision made lightly, so plse. don't throw out comments like that lightly. That old adage about
"walk a mile in someone else's shoes" is very apt here.