AZYooper said...
How do you know if something works or not?
The way to find out is something works or not is to keep everything constant except for one thing. For example, when starting a food journal, eat only one thing for one day. Pick something that you think might be easy on your system. For me, it was white rice. I did okay with the white rice. The next day, I added turmeric powder, and I my condition calmed down a bit. Each day I would add an ingredient and record what happened. If you pay very close attention, then you will soon find the things that bother you and the things that help you. If I eat anything with HFCS or artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, I'll have diarrhea the next time I go poo. So I know not to consume those things.
In regard to fecal transplantation, not only did it put me immediately into remission, but my BMs went back to looking like they did when I was in my early 20s. It was amazing! Even my GI kept saying that my extremely surprised by how well my colon looked when he did a colonscopy about
two weeks after I had done fecal transplantation.