that totally sucks! An awful way to start your wknd. But we've all been there, and completely know what it's like! Do you ever contemplate surgery? Or has your GI mentioned Humira? I'm sorry if you answered those questions a million times before....!!! What about
sticking a port-a-potty of sorts on your car, does it have tinted windows? I did that about
18 months ago- finally got fed up with crapping pants, so took an old square plastic bin with a snap-on lid, lined it with plastic grocery bags, and there you have it! I can't even tell you how many times I've suddenly pulled over my car, jumped in the backseat & let go! Then I just tightly knot the bag & toss it into the closest available dumpster or public trash bin. I always have tissues in the car, & use those for TP. I found even having my "own" bathroom in the car made accidents much less of an accident, if you know what I mean. Nowadays when I use the bin, it's like no big deal, I could just as easily be in the bathroom at home! Prior to the bin, I was lining the set with bags, sticking diapers in my pants, etc- when it gets to that point, you may be better off looking at alternate options- cause basically you're preparing yourselkf for what you know is going to happen. Anyway- a little long-winded, but go easy on yourself, take a nice bath & relax- accidents happen!