Hi, I have had UC for over ten years now. I can't remember what type it is but its all over the colon. The last 4 years have been really good with only occassional blips and maintained with melasalazine and occassional colifoam.
Well, about 2 weeks ago I started flaring. I managed to control it somewhat the first week but then last weekend I started with lots of waterly D and a fair bit of blood. I have been going about 8 times a day since the weekend. On Monday I took some colifoam that I had in the cupboard (hydrocortisone acetate). I am now on day 4 of taking Colifoam twice daily and I find that it reduces the amount of blood a little for the first part of the day and then I have a lot of blood with the D. I'm still running to the loo about 8 times a day though. This morning I had quite a bit of blood in my stool and some dark blood. Well the blood scares me and I went to my GP this morning. It was an emergency appointment with a Dr I didn't know and she was nice but didnt know a whole lot about UC. Anyway she spoke to a GI nurse on the phone and she told me to go on Prednisone 40mg daily and colifoam once daily with asacol.
My questions are:
1. Is 4 days enough time for colifoam to work? Should I be seeing better results by now?
2. Is there another enema with Prednisone in it that I can use? I recently read about something called Predfoam is that still around?
If there are other options why did she reccommend prednisone? Is it a money thing? I really dread taking pred but I also want to get the bleeding under control. This flare up has the most amount of blood I have ever had so it scares me. I also feel lightheaded and a bit out of it. Any help appreciated the pred is in the cupboard waiting....