Hi...just so you are not feeling alone...I have TSPK also. Thygeson's Superficial Punctate Keratitis has caused so many problems and I don't think my steriod eye drops are holdling it at bay anymore. I use Lotemax, or FML My last flare wouldn't clear up at all with the meds. I'm currently in another flare and am leary of using the drops because I suspect they are making the TSPK worse. Like you I have photosensitivity, gritty feeling in eyes, discomfort and blurry vision. I am not seeing well with my brand new glasses and the doc is telling me the script
is as good as he can get it for me. Now what?
I also have another corneal disease which was diagnosed several years prior to TSPK. It's EBMD, Epithialial Basement Membrane Dystrophy. Do you have that too?
I have multiple medical issues....including GI. Good luck with all your medical issues. I hope we all feel better.