Hi everyone, thanks for all your replies - your thoughts are all very much appreciated!
Well for now I still have my colon! On the Thursday, my blood results were better so the consultant said they would try switching me from continuous iv Ciclosporine to oral on the Saturday and if all went well I could go home on the Sunday. I was so happy at the thought of going home, however that night was a really bad one and on the Friday I felt terrible again. I was then told on Friday that that day's blood tests showed things were moving in the wrong direction and they would have to remove my colon that weekend. I got myself into a bit of a state as I had been so looking forward to going home and couldn't stand the thought of being in that hospital much longer. I was practically begging them to let me go, to which they refused, however the surgeon came to see me again, and thankfully he agreed to keep my bed and let me have weekend home leave as long as I came back Monday morning, or before if I got really bad.
Once I got home I started to feel a bit better, it was so good to be with my family and sleep in my own bed after 11 days in the hospital! I went back to the hospital on Monday, and my blood results were a bit better, so I was allowed to go home on the Monday night. The consultant and the surgeons still feel that I need surgery as my UC is not controlled, has stopped responding to steroids and is still active even with the ciclosporine. They now think I should get off the pred and then have the surgery, provided I don't flare badly in the meantime - I will be having an outpatient's appointment next week, where they want to discuss it further.
Now that I have had some time away from the hospital and thanks to everyone's positive replies, although I would prefer not to, I now feel able to accept the fact that I will probably be having surgery! Although I am feeling better than I did, I am far from feeling well and I am not enjoying the side effects from the Ciclosporine either. It would be so nice to have my life back and feel normal again. It would also be nice to have a good nights sleep without being in and out of the bathroom all night!
Thank you again to everyone who took the time to reply, all your responses have helped me a great deal and I really don't think that I would have reached the level of acceptance that I have without them!