While I am also a new member on this website, and am by far, NOT as experienced as most on here, I can tell you that Prednisone has helped my son get past the worst parts of this disease so far. He is 14 and was diagnosed in February of this year. He started out after leaving the hospital in February, on 50 mg a day, then was weaned down to 40 mg, 30mg, 30 mg 20mg to eventually 5mg a day from March until May. He was doing fine and in May had a flare up. they boosted him back up to 40 mg a day and it took about
10 days until we started seeing some improvement. He had developed "moonface" but he was always so thin that it actually looked like he had put on a little "good" weight, and that eventually went away. He also developed some acne, but we were able to keep that under control after seeing his dermatologist. And to be honest, the acne was easier to deal with than the pain and cramping that he had been dealing with. It's like trying to figure out what it the lesser of two evils. At least he was able to be out with his friends instead of house bound to the bathroom. He is also on VSL#3DS. you mentioned that you take acidophilus 1 billion. The VSL#3DS is 900 billion good bacteria per sachet. He takes 1/2 a sachet per day mixed in with his gatorade.
While I was not an advocate of him being on Prednisone, for just the reasons that you noted, it definitely has shown its benefits. My understanding (although I am still learning a lot about this disease) is that it is used to get the conditon under control and reduce the inflammation. Not sure that I would want to see him on it long term and the Dr has already told us that his condition is steriod dependent.
Whatever you decide, I hope that you feel better soon. I would also be interested in hearing whether or not any of the other meds and supplements that you are taking have been beneficial to you.
Stay strong!!