Fibre bulks up your stool and can also aid with excessive mucous...since I started taking fibre supplements on my GI's recommendation (daily and indefinitely) I am no longer gassy and bloated like I was before (althoug initially fibre can cause excessive gas and bloating, this passes once your system adjusts to it). It's important to start off with a small amount and only increase slowly and if necessary once your system has adjusted (no more gas and bloat)...it took my system 3 months to adjust but boy was it worth it...7ish years later now and still taking it and I still reap the benefits....I can even eat all fibreous foods; fruits, veggies, popcorn, nuts seeds, beans ect.
VERY IMPORTANT WITH FIBRE, DRINK PLENTY OF WATER DAILY AND WITH THE SUPPLEMENT AS WELL...kinda goes without saying but IBDers in general should always drink plenty of water daily since we can be easily prone to dehydration.