Could members please use more paragraphs?? It's so difficult to read an entire post that's written with absolutely no punctuation and no paragraphs. Break it up, allow time to digest the information, etc. I know many post from phones or other devices and are quick about
posting, but again, it's so much easier on a forum.
It doesn't matter if one's first language is something other than English. That is not an issue.
Could members please stop quoting entire posts....maybe just address the member by name and continuie from there. Quoting certain parts of the post is helpful, but the entire thing takes up an enormity of space and time to scroll down. As well, sometimes it ends up being 4 entire posts being quoted..yikes already.
Could members please click on the add signature box if using new post, reply post or edit. It's reallllly helpful to not ask all the questions over and over. I know it's difficult to remember, but editing the already listed post allows one to click that option at anytime.
Could members please update their signatures...ditto the helpful part.
Could members please answer questions that others have taken the time to ask at least 3 or more times in the same's helpful to know where the OPs thoughts are, and we don't have to respond continually (yes, I'm a borken record about you-know-what).
Thank you all for the time and suggestions , helps us all, for it's easy to forget how others feel and what they can experience.