Interesting. I ask InSoFla cuz I have some news for you
I'm actually back on LDN.
Except now I'm taking the oral version, with avicel in it. I was doing ok with the probiotics/psyllium combo, but not ok enough. I decided last week to give LDN another go, and am trying the oral version now.
I'm curious about
your symptoms with avicel because two interesting things have happened since I started the oral. First, my number of BMs has decreased significantly. It's 9pm now where I am, and I've only had 4 movements (beyond the normal AM movements) since starting work at 9am. Before, I was having 7-8 movements by this time, about
once every hour to hour and a half.
However, at the same time, starting just this weekend, I've lost almost all form to my BMs. THe great majority of them are now very liquid, and gassy. It is just bizarre.
The only problem is that there are too many variables that might explain the sudden loss of form as well as the very noticeable decrease in movements per day. I had two full whiskeys on the rocks on Friday night, and the next day, I was seeing liquid, and it hasn't really stopped since. Furthermore, I've dropped a lot of the psyllium seed because I wanted to see what LDN did solo. It could very well be that the lack of psyllium is causing much of the form loss. Finally, I'm running out of my supply of VSL 3 DS, and am only taking one packet a day instead of 4, because I don't have the money to pay out of pocket again, and insurance from work hasn't kicked in yet. That's three very possible candidates for explaining my loss of form.
My pharmacist here thinks that avicel, microcrystalline cellulose, is doubtful as the cause of the symptoms. She claims it's in everything as a filler, even regular foods, and is basically just ultra finely ground plant fiber. Honestly, finely ground plant fiber does not sound like something that should be causing such severe reactions. Hell, that's what psyllium seed powder practically is!
It got me thinking real hard, and if you look at the list of people who posted their experiences with LDN at the beginning of this thread, the only ones who said they had positive results from transdermal were you and Boxermom. Everyone else who tried transdermal didn't see any worthwhile positive effects, and that included me.
It's nearly impossible to prove, but your reactions may not have had anything to do with the filler. It might very well have been a classic Herx reaction, where you literally just got worse before you got better. If LDN is truly an immune regulator, then it makes sense that you would get worse as your immune system kicks up and fights off whatever is hurting your stomach.
At least, that's what I'm hoping is happening to me. Transdermal LDN never cut my movements down to this level, and the numbers are decreasing daily. But at the same time, my form has nearly disappeared, yet the filler really seems like the least likely candidate.
Anyway, the current plan is to stick with the avicel filler for the next week, and see what happens. If I don't see some return to form, then the pharmacist is going to have to switch fillers for me, or I'm going back to Skip's. I might add the psyllium seed back into the routine, but probably not just to see if things improve on their own (for the sake of science).