Hey Tillie,
I had to get blood drwan every week for a while. I used to be so scared of needles and I am not scared at all anymore. I hope you are able to overcome the fear. It feels good to overcome a life long fear of needles. I never thought I would see the day. I would actually go so far as to say that I am less scared than anyone else I know. The key for me is to look away while they draw and to continue to talk and take deep breaths. Try to relax and don't think about
the fear. I know it's hard and it took me months but I am finally okay with it. You will probably get blood drawn every couple weeks at first, then once a month, then every 3 months. Some people get it drawn less often but I have had so many problems with my WBC.
I have heard of a lot of people having trouble getting insurance to pay for these tests but mine never gave me any trouble at all.