just had my 5th remi shot and there has been good and bad things to say.
My first shot I saw immediate results (my worst symptoms were gone.) but as the treatments went on I had various different side effects.
First I started to have shakes like small tremors wasnt sure what was going on but then it turned into full blown sezuires, minor sezuires but they still hit me about three times a week. It turned out to be an imbalance in my thyroid nor remi related. But because my body was changing so was my chemical balance. Remember to have your Doc watch your blood each week if you can.
Second i began to have problems with my breathing. I had to start on puffers to control my wheezing..... the specialist is sending me for more tests but they think its remi related.
Third I have been up and down in pain in my bowels and I have days where i can barely get out of bed, even having a shower is exhausting. The week before remi I start to flare and have to sprint to the washroom. After the treatment I get the meds on fri so I can spend Sat, Sun recovering. I get very tired and somtimes just sleep all day.
Finally this drug has kept me out of the hospital, and for the first time in a year I have had a couple days in a row sometimes where there is no pain and no 15 bathroom sprints. Is it working? I dont know but Im going to keep trying and with the diet changes and vitamins things can only get better from here? right? hahahaha
just my 2 cents