If you go on Facebook and type in the search box at the top of the page "overcoming autoimmune diseases with LDN"
you will be directed to a lot of information about
LDN including compounding pharmacies that make it.
I read on an LDN board that if you send a private message to Jayne Thomas (see Facebook page) she may have info to help you get LDN.
I called Skip's Pharmacy in Boca Raton, FL to get the name of a doctor in my area of the country (MA) who prescribed it.
(Dr. Skip Lenz has videos on YouTube about
There are compounding pharmacies in different parts of the country who make the low-dose variety. Might be one close to you.
Other websites that have LDN info: lowdosenaltrexone.org and ldnscience.org
My GI wanted me to have a total colectomy. I refused and started using transdermal LDN last month.
Best of luck to you.................