turtlepower said...
Again, this may be all in my head as I have repeatedly spoke to my boss and she seems fine with everything, but I can't shake this feeling that I am letting people down or I am doing something wrong. [img]/community/emoticons/mad.gif[/img]
Slacker huh. As opposed to what a go-getter ? I think when your pulling a salary with no upside your supposed to be a 'coaster'.
I miss work constantly because I have been working at home for 10 months. Emergency last night I did not sleep worked continuously until the bug was identified and performance restored for the entire company this afternoon.
Now I am hearing other employees feel it is 'unfair' I work remote. They would probably feel more unfair if the knew I was being paid overtime. Now take away the overtime take away the remote work and expect me to solve your business crisis at 3:00 am???
If there is no upside then the game changes to BE a slacker. I watch employees milk it, 2 hour lunches shooting the shat etc.
If your an employee then part of your compensation IS sick time and YOUR SICK so why feel guilty about
it, its part of your compensation package. If your getting upside in overtime pay or shares in the company ( or experience you can leverage for better money later ) that's different then you double bust your hump and LEAD. I have only 2 speeds. I warned them before I don't know how to do this job at half-speed. They fixed up my package, but now we are coming to that crossroad again. Not sure what lies ahead.
These are financial decisions not moral decisions.