This is such a common problem anymore!! I have had insomnia since my last hospitalization for UP in 2008. They gave me Ambien in the hospital. I suppose I got hooked on it but the doctors don't like to prescribe it. I now take OTC Sleep Aid from Walgreens and that works pretty well. I also bought Melatonin and some Sleepy Time Tea. I try alternating UGH. I went through menopause twenty years ago at age 45.
I had surgery, total colectomy with end ileostomy, because of the severity of my condition. I was dependent on prednisone for two years prior. This was in 2010. I thought once off prednisone I would be able to sleep better. Not so .
Ironically, the doctor on Good Morning America was speaking about how dangerous sleep med could be. I got scared, thinking it would lead to heart disease! However, she just mentioned how sleep meds can make one drowsy the next day and the perils of driving while feeling that way, etc.. Whew! I am 65 and have been retired and I don't have to go out in the mornings.