In one earlier post I "Here's the cure, THINK", I have presented some practical suggestions and theories on how to understand what's happening to you and why.
In this post I will take you one step higher in you thinking (if you already are not there).
Think again!
There are more aspects to our body then just physical. Let's say your body has 4 circuital levels. Like a onion layers we start with the innermost one
1 physic
2 mental
3 emotional
4 spiritual
Physical body gets sick because the mental and emotional body are causing it! To get out of the disrupting circle you need to connect the physical body with the spiritual one!
(this has nothing to do with any religious concepts at all)
The connection is between your physical body and your mind, your feelings and your surroundings. Some pointers that could be a good start for higher understanding.
- Face your fears and accept things (by thinking of different scenarios and solutions, the resolution will come)
-Connect with people (be kind to everybody around you and show that you care by the gentle touch of your hand)
-Connect with nature (feel the grass beneath your feet and breath fresh forest air, where the birds are singing and there is nothing else men-built around you)
- Be honest and
open always (you never know when somebody can plant a thought in your mind that could lead you to greater understanding, because all the answers you already have, just need someone to trigger them)
- Talk about
things you think, not the things you think others need to hear
- Find your mission in this life (without purpose we are all lost, as said, the answers are in you)
Important to understand and important to remind your self
What you Resist --> It persist
What you accept --> It transforms