The honest truth?!
You learn how to cope with it!
There are going to be times when you just have to have an accident.
There are going to be times when all 3 of you are sitting in poo, and you just don't know which one you will clean up first
There have been times that I have had to change pooey nappies whilst I have also had a load in my pants.
Or, as I have, you keep the kids in a cot as long as you can, and you put them in there, whilst you go. Kind of a 'dump and run'! But at least you know that when they are in their cots, that they are safe. My 3 year old is still in a cot, as sometimes I have to put him there to keep him out of trouble whilst I go!
Also, your kids will not know that this isn't normal. Because to them - it is! My kids are 4 and 3 year old (exactly 1 year apart, to the day!) and they both know that mummy goes to the toilet and has all day long tummy aches, a lot, and that its 'normal'. My youngest, who is a boy, is starting to realise that when mummy is 'trapped' in the toilet, it is the optimal time to cause the maximum amount of disruption. My 4 year old daughter gives me hugs and kisses, and tells me that I need my hot water bottle for my 'ore ummy', and then she lays down with me, insisting that her tummy hurts too!
Shopping?? - I do everything online, we can even do groceries here in Australia (not sure where you are!), and it all gets delivered, so I do not have to worry about
that, but even with 2 babies, a healthy new mother will find it incredibly difficult to get out of the house, let alone a new mother with UC!
Breastfeeding? - Have you invested in a good breast pump? As a lot of my friends with twins found that the best way to breastfeed was to have 1 latched on, and the other side being pumped, then the other baby getting a bottle of breast milk, and then alternating kids and breasts next feed. The task itself is not impossible, but a lot of healthy twin mums do not breast feed, as the task is exhausting, I know just trying to breast feed 1 baby nearly killed me (fatigue wise!), so with the complication of UC as well, you may find that formula/bottlefeeding is the better option for your health, as well as the babies! When I was breastfeeding my son, I was placed on salofalk granules, 4.5g per day, and this was passing through my breastmilk, and causing my son so much pain and discomfort, that I had to stop breastfeeding, as I could not stop the meds. At the end of the day, if you do not breastfeed, it does not make you a bad mother. It makes you a mother that knows her limitations, and knows that her health is just as important as her babies! If not more important!
At the end of it all, the best tip I can give you, is to just take every day as it comes, one day at a time. And when you have a bad day, you have not had a shower, changed out of your pyjamas, or done any house work, its OKAY, because as long as you and the kids are alive, its been a good day!
Hope that helps some!