I've been on Remicade since Aug of 2010, started at the 5mg per Kilogram dose or whatever the starter dose is and they have since doubled it, so whatever the bigger dose is, guessing it's the 10mg per body Kilo, that's what I'm on now every six weeks. The only side effects I've had are a slight windburned look or redness on my face especially after I shave (never had any shaving irritation before) and maybe some slight redness or splotchiness on my upper arms after a nice long hot shower, and that's it. I'm tired the day of the infusion but usually bounce back the next day or the day after next. I guess I'm lucky that I tolerate the drug pretty well, I've heard some nightmares about
side effects and how some people can't tolerate it well so hopefully you won't fall into that group. I do take one Claritin daily to help with the skin reaction and that has helped tremendously.
Be well, E...