lookforcure asked:
I would like to know if Amish people ever heard about ulcerative colitis. They eat natural organic foods.I don't know about
Amish but there is a famous health/diet study of Seventh Day Adventists that showed how their diet greatly reduces disease.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventist_Health_StudiesUC is not mentioned in this article but one can suppose it is less because colorectal cancer is 62% lower in SDA's.
sdada.org/position.htmThe vegetarian diet recommended by Seventh-day Adventists includes the generous use of whole grain breads, cereals and pastas, a liberal use of fresh vegetables and fruits, a moderate use of legumes, nuts, seeds. It can also include low fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheeses and eggs. It is best to avoid high saturated fat and cholesterol foods such as: beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish and seafood. Coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages provide few nutrients and may interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients.
The weird thing is that the SDA diet is pretty close to what I was eating when I got UC except that I also ate seafood and some soy products too and I don't know if SDA people eat soy or not (sounds like they don't eat seafood).