Sara14 said...
quincy said...
I'm wondering what the options (for those who are horrified by the choice) would be other than hotdogs?
Actual REAL FOOD, like, say, oh I don't know, FRUIT or VEGETABLES!!! Have people forgotten what actual food is? Or if you need some fried/grilled item how about
a veggie burger or tofu/tempeh sandwich?
Why anyone would ever want to willingly put a hot dog into their mouth is beside me.
I have a friend who calls hotdogs beakmeat.. Yes, I know how they're made, and eat them occasionally. They should have veggie dogs as well as options or as the only option, yes..that is a good idea to satisfy everyone for sure. burgers would require different cooking process....I can't see that fruit and veggies would be available for an outside event with a mass of people, and of course...there's cost. Expectations for an event such as that would be cost effective initially.
As well....things would have to be processed, kept cold and washed properly (fruit and veggies)...I don't trust that process except at home, wouldn't partake in a mass event, especially if their in huge containers and available for self-serving.
I'd get more gas from the veggie dogs...and the garlic and spices..there's more afterburps from them...but if that was the only choice, I'd have it.
In truth, however....I wouldn't attend any of those events anyway.