Posted the study a few weeks ago.
Anyhow I never ate any that I know about.
My wife drinks gallons of diet coke a week,no problem,her colon is pristine
via scope last year.
For some people perhaps it might be a problem,but believe it is something else.
Here is what I wrote in the other thread.
The basis of this theory is the reduction of gut bacateria activity due to saccharin, or other chemicals
that we ingest. Basically it is saying that there is not enough bacterial B-glucorunidase to
deconjugate bilirbuin,if the bilirbuin is not degonjuagated then the digestive proetases will not be deactived
Then the mucus barrier is destroyed,then the bacteria get to the mucosa, then the immune cascade
I am a big believer that we need a strong mucus barrier, and the loss is the real cause of UC.
There is some form of excess protease dissolving the mucus,whether from too many bacteria, that
exhibit protease, or not enough to deactivate digestive protease.
Will try and do more research on this,but might cut out milk.
Many have improved by cutting out dairy.
Old Mike