Hi all,
This week has been particularly hellish for me but I've been in a "flare" for a few months now, although I have a few good days here and there. Increased bleeding and mucous and gas....I've expelled more gas this week than the Hindenburg.
Extremely frustrated that Rowasa (which I've been on for a month now) not only doesn't seem to be helping, but to be making things worse!! Of course, the Asacol I've been on since December hasn't done a darn thing either, apparently.
Ugh. I've changed my diet (gone gluten and dairy free for a while) and THAT seems to make it worse, too.
Got a call into my GI and will hear back tomorrow, hopefully.
Sorry, this is my first post here and all I've done is vent. Guess I'm looking for some encouragement for this sucky disease.
Hope you all are doing well.