I took a genetic test from 23and me. My test results for IBD came back extremely low...about
.02% chance! I have more of a chance developing RA (24%)...but got UC instead. I think it just they I'm programmed to handle stress. My dad had stomach ulcers due to stress...mine just show up in my colon.
I do think the environment played a BIG part for me. I was also under multiple stressors when the symptom/diagnoses came about
. Guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back!
Studying for the CPA (1 year into it)
House hunting
Husband unexpectantly lost his job - used as a scapegoat so to cover his supervisor's ass!
Our lease was up in 2 months and wasn't going to be renewed by the owners.
Things got worst after the diagnosis and so did my symptoms.