Disneynut66 said...
I know that it's really hard for people who have their colon to understand "committing to 6 BMs a day". But, really, it's not like that. Do you say that about going pee? We are supposed to go pee that many times and we don't make a big deal about that. When I sit down to pee, I usually poop. No big deal. It's hard for people with UC to understand that because having 6-8 BMs a day with UC is awful. Painful, urgent, etc. It's not like that. No urgency, no pain, it just comes out. A lot of times I think I just have to pee, but then I go poop, too. Believe me, I had the same thought process before the surgery, I just couldn't imagine, but it's really not that way.
I am glad you posted this Disneynut to try and explain. It's important for people reading these posts and considering j pouch surgery to know that the 6x a day isn't like going 6x a day with UC. It really isn't a big deal but I get why it's hard to understand. I wasn't convinced either until after the surgeries were done and experienced it for myself. Most days I only go 4x and I pee more than that! My hubby has a healthy colon and he goes 3x a day. Heck, I would happily poop 10x a day with no urgency and not be sick with UC anymore.