pb4 said...
Don't make assumptions Somedude...I was told by more than one GI that I wasn't a candidate for Remi or Humira...I have complications with my IBD. And the truth of the matter is, neither of those meds are miracle cures for all that have tried/are on them...and there's plenty of scary side effects to them as well. Some of us are either allergic or non-responsive to traditional meds as well.
Yeah, I know...but what the f..., it's better than dealing with crapty situations everyday. My morning aren't that much different than any of the stuff written in this thread.
For some people it's miracle cures. Not for me though....oh well.
Some people just don't want to do biologics, but are willing to suffer day in and day out with other medicine that doesn't work. That to me doesn't make any sense.
And why wouldn't I make an assumption. I'll make it all day long. Basically, an assumption is a variation of a question....
I.e. I assume you don't want to try remicade.
You say: Correct...then provide explanation if you want.