turnpkegates said...
poop in the woods...thats what i do
Just yesterday, I had to do a dash into the woods when returning my dad's truck during my lunchbreak. His 1990's, 3/4 ton pickup truck rides rough as hell (beefed up springs for hauling a big camper) and the backroads I was on just make it even worse. Luckily, I was able to dash in the woods in time -- thank you emergency tp in my wallet (saved my butt 1/2 a dozen times). I've really grown to appreciate smooth/cushy riding cars ever since getting uc -- just that much easier on my system.
Somedude, I feel your pain. I've had the rowasa come up unexpectedly at work a couple times (after taking it earlier in the morning), and had to go home to shower and change -- no matter how much you try with wet wipes and such. A shower is certainly the only way to really feel clean when it happens unexpectedly.
I fear that the above two issues are something we all unfortunately share. If not the issue directly, then certainly the fear of it. This disease sucks.