Goldenlover and NomasUC,
Wecome to the forum.
Glad you found us. This is a great place to ask questions, get support and even whine.
We all do differently on the meds.
Sounds like goldenlover, you are already doing better on prednisone, and hopefully it will kick-start your recovery.
As far as long term prospects, that is all dependent on:
- meds you're on and if you tolerate them well
- stress level in your life and your ability to handle it
- finding and working with a good GI
- being pro-active as to what flares might come one, and jumping on the slightest symptom that resembles a flare and: add rectal meds, perhaps increase meds, do some diet modification
- finding out what your body likes and doesn't like in terms of food - a good way to learn this is via a food journal
- certain supplements help alot: L-Glutamine amino acid powder, slippery elm powder, and probiotics
- ensuring your Vit. D3 levels remain at a good level (your doc will need blood work for this determination)
There are things IMO that you can control, which will have a direct impact on your disease, the symptoms you experience and their severity.
I was able to control my UC into remission through various supplements, probiotics, diet modification, and LDN , low dose naltrexone.
For more info on the protocol which has put me into remission, please go to this link: , and look at the 11th post.
I hope you feel better and let us know how we can help you.