I was on 100mg/day azathioprine in the summer but it caused pancreatitis after 8 weeks.
Debilitating pain.
So now on 50mg 6MP for the last 4 weeks.
Doc said to take it every day but its just to powerful for my system so take is every second day.
I weigh 64kg (140 pounds) so get away with the lower effective dosages of meds.
On an average of 25mg/day so this works out at 0.4mg/KG (0.17mg/pound) body weight.
The drug causes tiredness even at that so take it with evening meal and sleep it off.
My bloods were done for 6 weeks and all is 'acceptable'.
WBC dropped but still in range.
Iron levels dropped a bit too but taking supplements keeps then normal.
Pancolitis is in remission, normal stool. no blood. Tending more to constipation which is fine after
years of bloody diarrhea.
Take 20g/day sunflower seeds.
Tapering prednisolone really slow. on 2.5mg/day now down from 20mg.
enjoying good sleep and getting my mind back
Colitis is too serious to be messing about
experimenting with different meds. Wasted vast amounts of time and money on useless alternative remedies.
Just hope you find the right meds that work for you.