Hello All,
I have an 8 year old daughter, Mary-Mak, who was diagnosed with UC in the summer of 2010. She was hospitalized for a short time over that summer and was put on Pentasa, prednisone, azathioprine and Remicade infusions every 8 weeks. After a hard battle she was finally said to be in remission in August 2012. The doctor decided to wean her off the pentasa and azathioprine because the Remi seemed to be working so well. Within a month of being taken off the other meds she had a flare. She was given Asacol and it seemed to lessen her symptoms for a while but not she is having more pain and bleeding and her labs came back again that she is having another flare. It is so hard to watch her cry because her tummy hurts and she has to run to the potty so often. Today is her first day back at school in several days and I am beside myself. Her teacher is eonderful and I know she will be watched after and that she needs to be in school when possible but it was hard to let her go this morning. Have any of you other moms found anything that helped ease the tummy pain for your little ones? I can tell that she doesn't feel well and I hope I am doing the right things to help her. Mommy's heart is breaking for her.