Jasmine-x-x said...
Hey palacedan
I totaly agree i did cut out asmuch sugar i could but its in bloody everythin lol
And when im on steriods trying not to eat is very hard!
Did you have to check all your foods to see how much sugar was in them and then try get the lowest .....
I just need to get off the steriods and take it from there realy .... x
I find it basically works out the same as eating healthy in general - fresh foods, lots of meat, fish, vegetables, rice - that sort of thing. I keep fruits to a minimum with the exception of berries which are low in sugar.
It comes out similar to the paleo diet in effect. It's actually not that restricted in that there's a lot to eat. The problem is eating out - eating in's fine. Eating out is hard, but, again, there's so many people right now who are trying to cut out sugar that you can usually find low or zero-sugar options most places.
Yes - you look at the ingredients for everything and see how much sugar's in it and aim for zero.
I also restrict gluten and dairy, but both are not such a big deal for me. Cheese makes me gassy. I use almond milk. Nothing major. I eat bread now and again.
Re steroids, for me at least I can eat as much as I want and I don't gain weight. That's the good news - eat as much as you want, just cut out the sugar. When I cut out sugar I dropped about
14 pounds (I wasn't fat, but I had a little extra). Once that was gone my weight stabilised and the amount I eat makes pretty much no difference as long as I keep the sugar out.
When I had my short course of pred I guesstimated I was eating about
3000 calories a day, but as close to zero sugar as I could manage - scrambled eggs with rice cakes for breakfast, two sushi dishes for lunch, a whole chicken with potato and spinach at dinner time - that sort of thing. Over the six weeks I put on two pounds - I was eating more but it wasn't sugar. My symptoms improved but I assume that was the prednisone.
There was a great documentary on the BBC about
sugar. In the early 70s a man called John Yudkin wrote a book called "Pure, White and Deadly" about
sugar, but the food industry funded huge amounts of research to discredit it. Yudkin was arguing that the big spikes in heart disease around then were linked to massive increases in sugar intake in the regular diet. The food industry supported research that suggested that it was linked to fat, hence the low-fat food fad. But there's strong evidence that it's the sugar, not the fat that was bad for people. The thing is, there's so much money in selling people sweetened processed food, particularly food processed with high-fructose corn syrup, that there are plenty of companies with a stake in avoiding that conclusion.
I realise I sound like I'm ranting, but I'm convinced that in a decade or so people will think of companies that sell/ sold high-sugar food and beverages exactly the same way as we currently think about
tobacco companies.
And sugar is believed to be linked to inflammatory responses (just google sugar and inflammation).
Sorry - got carried away. I don't get so upset about
adults being hooked on sugar, but I hate seeing it in kids. So awful how they have things marketed to them that are so bad for them. Honestly, when our kids grow up they will think of how we fed them candy and sweetened foods as if we used to give them a pack of 20 Marlboro lights every day to take to school.