I cannot believe that after a year of fighting this darn UC flare I have a whole new set of issues.
Have any of you been diagnosed with H Pylori or SiBO? What were you symptoms? I have been having nausea on and off for a few months, maybe 3 now. I didn't think much of it at first. Maybe nerves or stress. Now it's more often and worse. I have to take Zofran every few days and sometimes that doesn't even work. I don't have any vomiting.
Tried Zantac, Betaine HCL, TuMs, a ton of probiotics, l glutamine etc.... I don't know if I have too much acid or not enough. I have an endoscopy scheduled for 2/27. I was bad again last night after I ate poorly. Dairy free chocolate and gf cookies after dinner. I have to get back on track. Was super strict for a year doing paleo/scd ish diet.
What does this sound like? I can go most of the day ok. Sometimes just a little sensitive. Then if I eat at night or lay down with any food in my stomach it's worse. Could it just be reflux?
In addition to this I found out I have osteopenia in one him and osteoperosis in the other after my bone scan. I am only 41 and premenapausal. Prednisone and malabsorption I guess. So depressed......