stereofidelic89 said...
Sibby said...
I still can't go near wheat all that often. I've been gluten-free for at least a month-and-a-half, or longer, and I've found I'm a lot less bloated and have less bump in the roads (loose stools hear and there.
But oddly I can have chicken fingers. I found healthy ones with little additive crap in them, and they actually bulked my stools.
Even before UC, I was a vegetarian and ate a lot of wheat, and man I looked like a 5 months pregnant sometimes. Major gas also.
The only time I'm bloated now is when I don't release my gas, haven't eaten or ate too much, or ate something gassy. The only downfall is that my stools are not always as perfectly formed. Dpends on how much i eat now.
I'm bloated all of the time. My stomach looks ridiculous. If the bloating wasn't there you would be able to tell I have abs. It's embarrassing, at least for a slim guy to take a shirt off. I can tell either there is some unfavorable bacteria, or low amounts of the good guys, and just a lot of pent up gas or undigested food thats fermenting inside of me.
I've found that chicken fingers can be a red flag. What if they are breaded or fried ? I believe there is a difference. Same with wings. :(
No, this kind was not fried, just breaded and not heavily.
I understand where you're coming from. Nowadays, I'm usually bloated because I'm having issues. If I'm bloated, I'm in my chair, reading and not going outside.
Sometimes though I feel like I want to binge on everything bad.