Looks good! And it's half price of VSL#3... I like that they have different blends with different strains.
I've been up for the past three hours trying to put puzzle pieces together from my Metametrix lab results and attribute them to the interpretive guide for the test I did.
www.metametrix.com/files/test-menu/interpretive-guides/GI-Effects-IG.pdfEven if no one has taken this test, there is a lot of good information in it regarding causes, symptoms, and suggestions on what to take (prescript
ions & supplements) for whatever ailment comes up on the test. (for me it was parasite, yeast, low Elastase... high eosinophil count.
I have all the symptoms for parasite -- whipworm (page 7) which gets me dating back to college when I was hit with a bacterial infection in my mouth in which the nurse said was transmitted the same way whipworm is......