It's a long long list of stuff, the causes and what I do.
In short: My UC was caused by antibiotics, overuse of NSAIDS, eating poorly (acidic foods) and other environmental issues among other things. I also stopped working out the 3 or 4 days a week like I use to and was no longer sweating out or burning out all the toxic crap in my body. And this list goes on....
I am now working out again, eating to achieve an alkaline body PH, using probiotics, using digestive enzymes and proper food combining, using supplements, and I'm avoiding certain foods that I found out I have an allergy or sensitivity to. And this list goes on and is every changing....
What I did was really dig into what made ME tick and not tock. Example, Fish Oils are suppose to be good for you and also anti-inflammatory. Not for me, I have a fish allergy, Fish Oil supplements actually made me worse but I was taking them EVERY DAY. I knew I had a slight allergy to cows milk and cows milk products. Not a big deal when I'm healthy, but when I was flaring and weaker it tore me up. So I started drinking Almond milk, come to find out I'm allergic to Almonds, no wonder I was flaring and feeling bad. VSL #3 works wonders for some people on here, for me it didn't do squat but make me fart. I had to find the right Probiotic combinations that worked for ME. Like I said, I'm not in remission or cured, but I'm doing better now doing these things and staying off the prescript drugs, when I was on those that's when I felt my WORSE.
Be well, E...