I was diagnosed with UC in November 2012 & have been taking Mesalazine suppositries (1g) daily since then (course for 5 days when flare up occurs, then every second day, then third and so on)
Since seeing my gastro after my flare up was really bad, she advised to take 1g suppositries twice daily with the same course. She has told me that i dont need to take them every day.
Since getting into this routine, im losing my hair. its falling out in clumps in the shower and its much thinner than it has ever been. Ive always had thick, wavy hair & its changed dramatically. at first i thought it was because I had hair extensions for 8 months,(due to having my hair cut short and getting through that 'awkward' growing period), but didnt seem to have this problem when they were in and have since taken them out and noticing huge amounts of hair loss since upping my dose on mesalazine.
Other variables include having PCOS and being highly stressed lately, so im not sure if this is a mix of issues causing this or it can be directly my medication.
i had read on forums that other people have experienced the same thing being on medication for IBD, so im wondering if anyone can help me.
I just spoke to my doctors partner in the office and he basically dismissed my claims saying its more likely due to stress than from the medication im on, and if it was then id be the first person. i did tell him id read of other stories and he didnt seem fazed by it. im not really convinced myself.
He sent through another prescription for PREDSOL and i noticed it is familiar to Prednisone and that freaks me out as i know there are acute side effects with prednisone.
If anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated.