Being from the US, I am not sure about the NHS issues you face, but there are alot people acheiving control over UC with varying methods. Everything from diet to medication. I've had UC going on 12 years and only recenlty paid attention to diet. The down side is that there is no magic bullet because we all react different.
Of all the therapies I have tried, the one that had the quickest impact was a fecal transplant. It sounds odd, gross even, but the infusion of good flora into the intensine in such a massive quantity stopped my bleeding and regulated my bowels very noticeably. Some of the benefits have wained, but I will repeat the procedure to get some gains back. It is most often used to treat c-diff, but has show promise with UC. I was unable to drive to work without making bathroom stops. After the transplant I acutally had some random days with no bowel movements. Sometimes the hard part is finding a doctor to work with you.