Posted 4/21/2013 5:42 PM (GMT 0)
I will say, my Rheumatologist is not amused by my microbiology.. LOL. What Im most impressed with re: my doc is that he tested for things that nobody had thought to test for like Lyme, Yersinia Entercolitica. He was also aware of things like MTHFR mutations and HLA-D genetic issues. Yersinia is linked to crohn's and surprisingly I dont have it, but my husband who has been a vegetarian since age 11 does.. he has no digestive symptoms whatsoever, but his lyme(yes, he has it too- there is a question of whether one of us gave it to the other) or chronic yersinia infection (he remembers what we think was this illness, it started as a stomach thing and then progressed to his tonsils/adenoids.. they did 3 rounds of abx before driving it into his tissues and joints and setting him up for chronic disease) has caused pretty bad arthritis at age 33 in his shoulder joints and tendon erosion that looks like a shrapnel or gun wound in his shoulder tendons.. These pathogens can present so differently in everyone so it takes a doctor who knows that and is willing to look. I think Rheumatologists are the best bet for those doctors. My UC went beyond my stomach, it manifested as fatigue and muscle and joint pain quite often. As well as a horribly weakened immune system that caught everything that went around. Constantly sick with something, it seemed.
Buying the scope helped me to realize that something beyond what they were telling me was not right. I know not everyone should buy a scope. Infact, Id say most people absolutely shouldnt, because as you see from my "story" thread, it scared me A LOT in the beginning. I still get a tinge of fear when I see something new. But for me, it's a tool that I use to double check the work of my doctor and I on the root causes. I see my blood get more normal (most) every time I look and that gives me comfort to know Im on the right path. Its appalling that I had to buy my own scope to get to this point.
The most important point is the one you made that you must question things if you arent getting better.. especially if you are getting worse and throwing drug after drug at it. I wasted so much of my life just going along with the "experts".. but the thing is, nobody is the expert in me but me. My new doc treats me with respect, he listens to me and if I want to pursue an herb or supplement he NEVER shuts me down. He will give me his opinion and we work together. That helps me to become my own advocate and it helps me to change the whole paradigm of how I approach my health.
Like imagardner said, you must be your own advocate... nobody else is in your body. But also, you must realize that sometimes it is not a pill that is going to make you well or solve your issue, its a complete lifestyle change.. and instead of seeing the tragedy in that, you have to look at the blessings in it. If you look at it as a tragedy that you may never get to eat xyz again, or that you have to ask people to accommodate your health, then you miss an invitation by the universe into health and a life where you are truly healing well.
I have alot of issue to clean up in my health, but I truly have joy about the possibilities of my life now, without chronic illness. Its a long road, but Im finally on it.. not waiting on the sidelines for someone or something to fix me.