I'm 19 and I was diagnosed in January 2013 (this year) with UC. I spent a total of 16 days in the hospital in March. I have all the awful symptoms. I'm going to the bathroom all the time, having pain, nausea...I'm sensitive to a lot of foods, and I just want to feel okay again. I've been seeing this doctor who practices western and eastern medicines. He claims he can cure UC by putting good bacteria back in my gut with probiotics, kefir, or a fecal transplant - that sort of thing. I haven't tried these yet. He has me on hydrocortisone. I have tried a lot of meds in the past few months. I had a Remicade infusion and had severe allergic reactions, so that's out of the picture. I've had 2 colonoscopies. The second was in the hospital, and they told me I didn't have one bit of healthy tissue in my colon. I've got a really bad case of this - but I guess everybody does...
I'm young and don't know what I'm doing. I'm scared. I want surgery - I've heard a lot of success stories. Cost of surgery isn't a problem.
My parents are awesome - they've been very loving and supportive, but they're just as new to this as me and we're desperately searching for relief. I'd like to know more about
different types of surgeries, the technical terms, complications, what affect my age will have on surgery, all the works. Should I or should I not have surgery? What do you think? Success stories? Failures? Is there hope?