yes, there are some who come and go, but usually come when the crisis has hit already...for a while.
Some never answer any questions, get the advice and then leave again, only to show up when there's another crisis...or actually the same crisis.
There are some who only come to render their subjective advice, never to read other posts or to offer any other support than what they're only interested in.
Take it for what it is.
Trust me on this....the tried and true "veterans" or regulars will give you a broader perspective through what they read, what they've seen, what they've experienced and what to seek as reference for you to gain better knowledge of what's going on.
You, however, have a responsibility to ask questions and to answer them to give the most information so someone can offer a better options in suggestions.
My UC has never gotten any worse than it was when I was diagnosed.'s regressed consistently to the lower part of my rectum. But I've been at this for a long time with continuation of my meds.
Some of my earlier scopes did reveal low level very, very mild inflammation. If my UC was limited to just the rectum initially and my doc gave me only rectal meds, it's possible it would have spread. But, for me, that's not been the case since I was covered throughout the colon. But I'll never know.