iPoop said...
Exactly how high is your current Imuran dosage? It is usually given by body weight so it would be good to know that as well.
I guess it depends on whether you think lowering your Imuran dosage and then taking another drug would be beneficial.
Is he worried you will flare with your current meds, or just not liking the high dosage of Imuran?
I don't understand why my profile doesn't show up, but anyway, I take 250mg Imuran daily. Yeah I'm a fatty LOL. He doesn't like the high dose and thinks I should try Humira. I'm thinking as long as my blood work looks good and I'm feeling good, what's the big deal? God I hope I don't flare with these current meds, I don't know if I can go any higher. I thought I'd worry about that only if I have to. I'm going to stick with what I'm on and try to convince him that it's not broke so leave it alone.