I spoke with my nurse practitioner today who was VERY upset about
the whole Delzicol debacle and is just sick over the whole thing. She affirmed what I had heard that the new pill is just an Asacol pill inside a capsule and that it's causing problems in patients because the Asacol pill is formulated to break down in a ph of 7, whereas the capsules are not, so many times the capsules are passed whole and you don't get any of the medicine. She agreed that the only reason the company is doing this is to keep a generic from being made so they don't lose any money. I asked her if taking the pill out of the capsule and swallowing the pill would be the same as taking an Asacol 400mg and she said that it was. I asked if she told her patients this and she said that she steers clear of even prescribing this drug to her patients because she doesn't want the company receiving a dime from her patients for that drug. I enjoyed seeing such spunk and stick-it-to-'em attitude from a medical health professional!