I did some searching on the forum to reduce gas while on prednisone but didn't find any good answers.
I am on my 9th day and last two days since I was upped from 30 mg to 40mg it has got worse. I pass a lot of gas during bowel movements with of course blood splattering all over the toilet. I just had three episodes of this in the last 3 hours each with mild cramping. I don't feel bloated. Lunch time BM is solid but is ribbon like with fresh blood but starts of with passing a lot of gas first.
I took 20mg at 5:00AM and 1:00pm today... typically the meds wear off around 10:30pm-11:00pm and the cramping and bloody diahrrea hits me. So have a couple of hours to go.
Should I increase the amount of water I drink or any other good home remedies to reduce this gas?