I had the MRI about
a year ago. The GI wanted to do it since I was having pain in my upper left abdomen. So he did a full bowel series with an MRI. The MRI itself was fine - I had to lie on my stomach so that took away the clausterphobia I get when in those things since I could look out.
But it was the 4 bottles of barium I had to drink beforehand that sucked. I think I had to drink a bottle every 20 mins or something. Impossible. Then they injected something in me to slow down my digestive system. The injected some dye in me too about 1/2 way through the scan. The worse part was that the stuff they put in me to slow everything down made all that barium sit in my stomach. It ended up coming out all over the floor of the entryway of some admin-type building at Mayo. I feel sorry for the janitor that was on duty that day!