iPoop said...
ByeByeUC, I was curious about your jpouch. You said you typically empty out the jpouch 4-6 times per day with no urgency, when you pee. So, are your bms spread randomly throughout a 24 hour period (even at night)? Or are they more like my uc, where I got a lot of times all at once, first thing in the morning, and then don't have to go for the rest of the day? As for me and my current uc, on a typical day, I have 2-3 bms within 2 hours of waking up, and then I am free from having to poop again for another 24 hours.
My typical day is like this:
Get up in the morning at 7 am and go to the bathroom.
I usually do not go again until 3pm, then around 6pm, 8pm and before I go to bed I try to empty even if I do not feel like I have to go. In the beginning I would have to get up once at night to go but now I sleep thru the night. If it's a day where I am at a party or a bbq and I am picking at food all day long then I will have to add about
two more times that I go. It doesn't really matter how many times it is. The important thing to remember is that there is no urgency, blood, cramps, or pain and the disease is gone. If I only pooped 2 or 3 times a day with my UC I would never of had surgery. I was going 20 to 30x a day with UC.