I took rectal meds for a long time and they helped tremendously. Somewhere along the way my rectal inflammation went away and didn't come back. I have no idea why or when. I haven't used rectal meds in a few years, but I still have a box in my cabinet. If I see a spot of mucous on my stool I will be on them in a flash, no doubt.
There are other reasons you could be having problems with motility and while you might not buy into dietary changes sometimes they are worth exploring. I was having similar issues to you and my GI put me through a lot of diagnostics to find no reason why I was having urgency some days, some soft stool, some upper GI discomfort. A GF diet made a big difference to me. I also added psyllium after a while and that has helped a lot, too.
So yes, you might have beat the rectal inflammation into remission. I'd still keep some canasa in your freezer just in case.