BEfore i start, again, thank you guys or replying and and giving me suggestions.
When all else fails it's good to know that i can simply post something, and people who not only have what i also have, but people wh ohave had it longer than i, can help me out a little.
Wow, so as of today, i have to utmost RESPECT For UC sufferers.
This is my second day dealing with Diarrhea .Now , truth it, this is my first time really ever having diarrhea that i haven't caused myself. It's a new experience and it's hard . .. .. The Diarrhea itself isn't what's killing me. It's the pain associated with it. The tightening feeling of my stomach, as if it's making a fist purposely, then letting it go . I REALLY don't think there's anything left, i'm dehydrated, but can't keep anything down ! HOW DO PEOPLE HAVE JOBS WITH THIS STUFF??????
How long does this stuff last? Sigh .... I feel like this is my colonoscopy prep ALL over again
Any foods in particular that can help? Because i've been website to website and it's all contradicting. One said don't eat insoluable fiber, but another said That's what you should eat?
Man....excuse me if i sound like i'm complaining .... but today sucks