Posted 10/16/2013 3:06 AM (GMT 0)
i posted a couple of times on here about new medications, nausea, and just my overall story with uc. but i am glad to be able to say, today has been one of the best days I've had in almost two weeks! not to say that i would have said tha same yesterday, because yesterday i was lying in bed contemplating going to the er, i felt so bad. i don't know how it happened in one day but today i was able to get up, get dressed and fix my own food for crying out loud! yesterday after a call to the doctor he prescribed me two different medications, one for nausea and one for cramps. (hyoscyamine and ondansetron) which have helped extremely with those annoying uc symptoms. but that with a combination of uceris i am feeling great. i still had 4-6 bms today but for the first time in almost two weeks, there was no blood!!! words can't explain how excited that makes me! just had to share in my happiness and i pass all the "luck" i had with on to every one else :)
and yes i know this wouldn't be considered remission but i feel like im on the road! its a big thing for me!