Kix I really feel for you, but you have to keep a good attitude. A cure or significant relief could be just around the corner.
At your age I was battling a different (not quite as bad) autoimmune disease- endometriosis. I went through several surgeries, many painful tests, some potent drugs with terrible side effects - all for some temporary relief from the constant pain (and sometimes constipation or d). I finally opted for surgery and wished I had done it sooner. But I did manage to have a really good time and make the best of my life when things were good.
You should be having the time of your life right now, and having a horrible disease such as UC just isn't fair. The best you can do is cherish the good times you do have and learn as much as possible about this disease so you can control it as much as possible. You must be pretty special to have dealt with it already for the past 8 years.
If humira isn't working, then maybe remicade will, or simponi, or the new drug about to come out.