Okay guys, I have finally read all your posts and checked out all the links - and now I'm knackered! >_>
The take-home messages I got are:
- Forget a flat stomach; it ain't happening
- Soy is looking for somebody to go hiking with
- Mixture of cardio/weight training
- Bodyrock scared me away
- Try Lugol iodine
- Do stretching before exercise
@delta - The use of iodine appears to be controversial in autoimmune thryoid disase. More info
@sheree - I feel your pain :-/ Not sure how long you've been taking steroids for, but they will ruin your health over the long term. The only way I was able to get off steroids was surgery. I'd consider the possibility, especially if you can have a j-pouch.
Anyways, I've decided not to do anything about
my diet for the time-being. I can't face
two boring things at once, so I'll just start with one and optimistically hope that the other will follow in due course. I'm going to try to work out an exercise plan over the next few days; watch this space... >.>