Yes, I've heard of the Weston Price Foundation. They're quacks. They have a financial interest in the dairy industry. Very biased research.
Sorry, here again - you have no idea what you're talking about. They are not quacks, and have no financial interest in the dairy industry. I think you are confusing the Agra-Meat/Dairy Grain-fed products industry with Weston Price Foundation here again.
If you're going to eat meat, yes, grass fed is better for you than grain fed. But plant foods are better for you than either. And no, it's not just my opinion as you said above.
Grass-fed animal products is known to be very healthy, again - because of the HEALTHY ratio of omega 3: omega 6 ratio - a fact you seem to negate. It's fact that plant foods will NOT give you all the nutrients you require.
Sara, enough already .... show some respect for people who have differing view points. You believe vegan style is best, I believe Grass-fed animal products incorporated in a Paleo diet is best.
There's certainly enough room on this forum for all differing view points, as has been pointed out by wiser folks on this forum than I.